…Reflect upon your blessings, of which every man has plenty, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some… – Charles Dickens
Do you spend more time reflecting on what a shame it is for you that you don’t have this or that, or on how lucky you are to have plentiful, running water; to have enough food to live; to have so many possessions you desperately need to clear clutter; to have access to any kind of education at all; to be able to express your opinion without being in fear of your life; for the air you breathe; for the sunshine; for spring flowers?
I could go on forever. Of course life is not perfect, but it’s a heck of a lot better than we sometimes give it credit for! It is easy to focus on the ‘what is missing’ from life, and sometimes it can be helpful – when you can see what’s missing, you can sort it out. But when it becomes an endless litany of why your life sucks, that’s no fun! (and doesn’t help you change anything) For today at least, take your attention off the misfortune in your life and reflect more on your blessings, and Happy Dance because your life is so filled with fortune!