Share Your Gifts…Even If You’re Not Ready

It never fails to entertain me that the articles I am least happy with are almost always the ones that have the greatest impact on readers! This week I realised on Sunday night that I hadn’t written my article for Monday morning, so I grabbed an idea, rushed out a mini-article on it and set it up to send…not unhappy with it, but aware that I had not given the subject my usual consideration, it was a bit short and felt incomplete.

And then my inbox was flooded with responses – it seems to have hit a chord with an awful lot of people! Which reminds me of something I often say to clients – share your gifts with the world, even when you’re not ready. Because sometimes you have to trust that what you have to say is valuable, important and relevant to somebody, even when it’s not polished and perfect. After all, if we waited for perfection in our gifts…many of us would never share them!

And that would be a great loss to the world. So share your gifts, even if you’re not ‘ready’.




