Create (and live) the life you want in 2021
How do you start a New Year? With resolutions, goals or a vague thought that this is the year you’ll…fall in love with life, do the thing you’ve wanted to do for years, get fit, change your job?
How is that working out for you?
Are you moving steadily towards your ideal life every year?
Or are you (like most people) giving 5 minutes thought to what you want next year…and then forgetting about it until the year has gone and nothing has changed in your life?
In years gone by, I made New Year’s Resolutions. I never kept any of them. In fact, the year I gave up smoking was the first year I hadn’t bothered making a resolution to do so. Funny that.
Don’t get me started on how useless resolutions are.
Once I realised that resolutions just weren’t working for me, I started setting goals.
SMART goals…until I realised that specific, measurable, achievable etc is DULL and takes all the life out of those joyful wonderful things you desire.
So I set more fun goals, big exciting goals. But goals didn’t do the trick for me either.
A few years ago I decided to pull together the work I do with clients to figure out what they wanted for their life, and do that process for the year ahead for myself.
Oh what fun!

And I’d like to share that program with you. I’ve been doing it every year now since 2015, and it’s really helped me to make my life better every year.
In this program, you will be diving deep into what you really want…and importantly, WHY you want those things.
You’ll be excavating deeply held desires and exploring the new yearnings that are coming through this year.
You will create a guiding statement to focus on – a touchstone to remind you of what you want to create in your life throughout the year.
Unlike repetitive New Year’s Resolutions, or soul-less goals, you’ll be creating a vision for your life
Then we’ll get you living into that vision TODAY. None of this waiting for X to happen before you can be happy, feel prosperous, love yourself, find purpose in life. We’ll start finding ways to feel it and live it RIGHT NOW!
AND when we’ve done all that, we’ll start taking action to make it all happen.
All this for only £7.50 (US $9.50).
What you get:
- Release the past year worksheet
- Excavating your vision module – dig deep into what you truly want – with audio, transcript and worksheets
- The why behind the vision module – why you want what you want – with audio, transcript and worksheets
- What is your vision for your life module – create a vision that makes your heart sing – with audio, transcript and worksheets
- Live into your vision module – let’s get on with experiencing the way you want to be NOW – with audio, transcript and worksheets
Plus bonuses worth over £25:
- The Dreams To Reality E-Journal
- PDF copy of my book “Fall in Love With LIfe”
- Audio program “Body Mind Heart and Soul Guidance”
- PDF copy of my book “Obstacle Busting”
AND there’s limited time availability – I’ll be taking this offer down in February. Buy it NOW and start creating the life you deserve to be living in 2021.
Buy Now!Please note this is a digital product…as soon as you pay, you’ll be given the page to download all your files and material immediately
Do I need fancy-shmancy software to access the material?
No, the files are in PDF and MP3 formats – your device will usually have some software installed that will automatically play and view those files.
Do I have to download the files?
No, you will be able to open them directly in your browser if you’d prefer to do that.
You mentioned you’ll be taking this product down ‘soon’, will my files disappear?
No…what will disappear is the page to buy this product, not the course page – your material will be available for the lifetime of the page (and if I plan to take it down, I’ll give you plenty of notice).
What’s your refund policy?
If you buy this product and it is not what you expected, I will happily offer a refund. I won’t say ‘no questions asked’, because I will ask questions…not to try to dodge giving a refund, but to help me ensure that I am giving clear information to help people decide if this package is for them or not.
Any more questions?
Feel free to get in touch and ask and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
May you create a vision for your life that makes your heart leap and your soul sing!