Getting Stick Drawings on the Computer

A few people have asked me how I do my stick drawings and get them ‘in the computer’.

Here’s my process:

1. Draw in pencil my stick person

2. Go over the edges in thick black marker/colouring pen

3. Take a photo of it on my phone

4. Open up that image in (get from

Update July 16: 5. Use the ‘autolevel’ in adjustments

6. Use the ‘color picker’ tool to get the (grey) colour of the black lines

7. Use the ‘recolor’ tool to make it look black on the screen

8. Use the ‘color picker’ tool to get the (grey) colour of the white background – the less shadow there is, the better for this

9. Use the ‘recolor’ tool to make it look white on the screen

10. Add any colour or text using the paint bucket, paintbrush and text tools. I may also add some lines to add definition if the lines are well defined.

And this is what comes out (you will see that some are more successful than others!):

12 tips for dealing with brain fry 300x180

Hippo wallowing in mud w www

Friends w www
Allow 300x180

What is so funny w www

Where's the chocolate cartoon

Queen of the universe 300x180

How to Wake Up Loving Life 300x180

Blueberry 300x180

Whose expectations are you living down to

Uncool 300x180

The Infinite Creative Well v2 300x180

What's blocking your creative pipeline 180x300

There may well be a MUCH better way to do it – this was the way I found through trial, error, persistence and lots of scowling at the computer! But it does the trick..stick drawings are now lovely images on my computer.

Love Donna Blue 300px




