Stop or Your Body Will Stop You

What a wonderful week I am having – I’ve had a bad cold since Sunday. At first I tried to resist, tried to continue as normal (well, normal as you can when your eyes and nose are streaming more liquid than any one body could possibly hold). Then as the days have worn on, I finally decided to listen to the message my body was sending and rest. Ironically, just as I decided that, the universe sent me this message:

Haven’t I always shown up with the right idea, at the right time, to spin your head and rock your world, when you least expected it, Donna?

Give yourself this rest you’ve earned.

You’re my butterfly,
The Universe

Hmm…maybe next time I’ll listen earlier when my body is telling me to rest eh? Perhaps then I can have the chillaxing time without working my way through several boxes of tissues, paracetamol, vitamin c and kiwi fruits! Or maybe not. Well, whatever, I’m enjoying this rest now I’ve got used to the idea – lots of baths, essential oils, books, DVD’s, humour and my favourite thing – sleep!

Once upon a time my story of this week would have been an ‘it’s a terrible shame for me’ story…but this time, it’s a lucky me story. Lucky me that my body has insisted on a few days of relaxation. Lucky me that I can read books (when I can see), watch films, snooze, bathe. Lucky me that I have been able to clear my diary and take a few days off to give my body a chance to restore itself to it’s natural state of good health. Lucky me!

Joy be with you.







2 responses to “Stop or Your Body Will Stop You”

  1. Donna avatar

    Thank you Christina! Your hand, and the tissue, are gratefully received!!



  2. Christina avatar

    Hi Donna,

    I reach you my hand (and a tissue).

    I’m having a cold again too, but haven’t noticed any signs before. Anyway, get well soon!
