Tag: action

  • Ask Donna: It’s So Slow – What Am I Doing Wrong?

    Q: Things seem to be moving really slowly for me and my Big Dream. I keep asking myself what I am doing wrong, but I can’t figure it out. Anne Firstly, please change the question you are asking yourself. Who cares what you are doing wrong?! Build yourself up to feel like you’re doing well,…

  • Ask Donna: Nothing’s Changing

    http://youtu.be/0ZdB-4cH_XI Q: Nothing’s changing, what am I doing wrong? Chloe Firstly, are you taking action (be really honest!). Sometimes we’re so busy visualising and planning and gathering information, we forget to actually take action. There comes a point at which you have to take action. If not, take the next baby step (something that can…

  • Ask Donna – I’m Self-Sabotaging

    To watch this video click here Q: I keep sabotaging myself – in everything I do, every new thing I try I seem to just mess it up. It’s got to the point I can’t even talk to my friends about it because they just want to kick my backside – what is wrong with…

  • Ask Donna – My Big Dream to go to Uni

    To watch this video, click this link: http://youtu.be/YNpnjTs1wwc Q: My big dream is to get a university degree – all my friends went to uni and they think it’s no big deal and don’t understand why I want to do it, but I got a job, settled down and had my kids and I feel…

  • Getting Your Big Dream Moving

    Many people have big dreams that never move from their dreams into reality…and this is such a shame, because big dreams are planted to be grown. I believe that big dreams come from the Divine, and they choose you as much as you choose them. Don’t let this idea put stress on you – let…

  • Dreams to Reality Podcast: The First/Next Step Towards Your Big Dream

    Whether you are right at the beginning or well on your way to achieving your big dream, it is so much easier to move towards your dream ONE step at a time. Identify the next baby step, the next small step…and the next and the next and the next. Don’t get distracted by the bigness…

  • OnTheBeach – Time to Make a Difference

    I find this time of year really interesting when it comes to people’s goals/intentions/plans for their lives. Oh, it’s December, no point starting a healthy eating plan now. Oh, it’s nearly Christmas, I can’t give up smoking now. I’ll start 2012 with a resolution to drink less/save more/find a new job/date more/connect with my intuition/design…

  • OnTheBeach – Taking Inspired Action

    OnTheBeach – Taking Inspired Action

    When you are working towards a goal (say, having a life full of purpose, passion and joy for example!), what sort of action do you take? Do you take the next logical step, even when every fibre of your being is screaming at you to do something illogical and seemingly unrelated? Or do you follow…

  • Nothing Holding You Back

    What is holding you back from having a joyous life? What is holding you back from falling in love with life? What is holding you back from doing what you want to do? You may have answered ‘money’, ‘time’, ‘not knowing how or what to do’, maybe it is a person or people, the government,…

  • Thinking Big, Dreaming Big

    Here’s the last post from the Wire blog: So, Carrie asked me to do a blog post for you guys on “Thinking Big” and “Keeping Moving Towards Your Big Dreams”. These two subjects are really close to my heart as they are the reason I am a coach! One of my favourite things in the…