Tag: Big dreams
5 Myths About Big Dreams
The world of Big Dreams is a beautiful one, full of adventure and promise and potential…and it also spawns some crazy (and massively unhelpful) beliefs, ideas, truisms and myths! These myths will make you think you have no big dreams, or your dreams aren’t big enough, or you can’t do them because you’re not a…
Podcast: Let’s Celebrate 2013!
Listen here: Or download to your computer by right clicking here: Celebrating 2013 It’s that time of year again – it’s time to take a look at the year gone by and celebrate all that you’ve done this year – including some small baby steps. Homework: Part 1: Write down 10-20 things that you…
OnTheBeach: The Gulf Between Fantasy and Reality
Working in the sun in a lovely warm country is one of my Big Dreams – it’s one of the reasons I’m creating my business the way I am, so that I can easily work from anywhere in the world. The trouble is, there is a bit of a gulf between the fantasy of working…
Podcast: Sticking With Your Big Dream
Do you know the traditional marriage vows? In sickness and in health, in good times and in bad? That’s the kind of commitment you need to make to your Big Dream, and the kind of commitment it makes to you. If you try to walk away before it’s ready to let you go, it will…
Video: Review and Celebrate 2012
Watch the Video What have you achieved this year? Think of all the areas of your life – health, wealth, personal development, spiritual development, career/work, big dreams/ambitions, friends/family, fun, relationships, Don’t just look for huge achievements and big changes, look for small achievements and baby steps too! Even your failures can be seen as achievements…