Tag: confidence

  • Guest Post: Becoming a More Confident Traveller

    Here’s another blog post I spotted recently that I just loved, and had to write immediately to Jamie Ridler to ask for permission to share it with you. Enjoy! Just over a year ago, I set myself the goal of becoming a more confident traveller and boy, did that start a great adventure! Since then…

  • Do You Know What Determination Looks Like?

    Last week I watched a program about 4 injured soldiers who walked to the North Pole. One had a broken back, one an amputated leg, one an amputated arm, and the last had a paralysed arm and half the muscle on his leg missing. At the end of the program, one of the lads said…

  • OnTheBeach – Confront Obstacles as They Appear

    OnTheBeach – Confront Obstacles as They Appear

    I have been re-reading “Kingdom of the Golden Dragon” by Isabel Allende, and the quote below leapt out at me again. Perhaps it’s something you also need to hear this week? By the way, there are only 2 places left for my Summer Coaching special offer so if it’s something you’ve been thinking about doing,…

  • The Diamond in the Rough

    This morning I read this lovely article, and it got me thinking – how many of us are hiding the diamond within us? How many of us aren’t fully owning our magnificence? How many of us are standing on the sidelines, just watching life go by around us, thinking we can’t make a difference? The…

  • Nothing Holding You Back

    What is holding you back from having a joyous life? What is holding you back from falling in love with life? What is holding you back from doing what you want to do? You may have answered ‘money’, ‘time’, ‘not knowing how or what to do’, maybe it is a person or people, the government,…

  • I Have Confidence In Me

    Forgive me if you hate ‘the Sound of Music’ – having been to see it at the weekend, I’m having a week of “Sound of Music” themed blog posts! Lol. Today, having confidence in yourself. Let me remind you of part of the lyric to ‘I have confidence in me’: “I have confidence in sunshine…

  • Preoccupied By What’s Wrong

    Have you ever noticed how pre-occupied we all are with what’s wrong? The news gives a constant litany of what’s wrong, most of our conversations revolve around what’s wrong, and if you ask anyone about their goals, they are mostly about ‘fixing what’s wrong’. Most people believe that coaches help you to fix what’s wrong…and…

  • Abandon Your Inhibitions

    Last night I went to see my favourite band in the world, Muse. They are INCREDIBLE live – simply awesome! Anyway, these days I usually stand to the back of the crowd, in plenty of space to dance – I’m less bothered about seeing (although last night I was stood near the cameras so I…

  • Stop Putting Yourself Down in Front of Me

    I put a little note in an e-mail to a friend the other day “Stop putting yourself down in front of me” – I was semi-kidding, as I’m quite self-deprecating myself, but there was also a serious element to it. Can you imagine if someone followed you round all day, telling you how much you…

  • Completing the Circle

    Did you know that your dreams, your goals and your gifts have chosen you, just as you have chosen them? Yes – the reason you have those dreams, goals and gifts is because they looked at you and said “Wow, this person is the PERFECT person for me!” The universe doesn’t get this wrong. Even…