Tag: energy

  • OnTheBeach: How Not To Get Sick

    I’ve been away for the weekend in Ireland, and not much sleep was had…today it’s hit me like a train, and all I want to do is eat junk food and watch X Factor! But I have a huge to do list…what do I do? Well, I could push myself to do what I need…

  • Podcast: When Your Big Dream Seems Far Away

    Sometimes our Big Dreams seem to be so close we can almost touch them…other times, they seem so far away we start to wonder if there is any point continuing. The good news is that this is just a part of the Big Dream journey. Not a pleasant one perhaps, but not an unusual one!…

  • Ask Donna: Working Full Time and Pursuing Big Dream

    http://youtu.be/YdVWf45i030 Q: I’m working towards my dream part time while I work full time and try to still have a life too…but I’m exhausted! My friends and family keep telling me I have to stop pursuing this dream, but the very idea makes me want to cry! What do I do? – Beth Your friends…

  • Ask Donna – My Life Sucks – a Big Dream Feels Like an Impossible Dream

    Click here to watch this week’s video Q: My life sucks. My life is really terrible. Everything is going wrong…everything’s been wrong for a while, and it’s really bad. There’s nothing good going on in my life at all. And this ‘big dream’ stuff seems like an impossible dream to me. – Anonymous When life…

  • Ask Donna: My SMART Goals Aren’t Inspiring Me

    To watch the video, click this link:http://youtu.be/ZQ42lvdLq3Q Q: I was trying to figure what I wanted from life, and I got some ‘SMART’ goals…but they don’t feel like a Big Dream. I think a couple of them are close to being part of that Big Dream, but the energy feels all wrong and I don’t…

  • Ask Donna: A New Dream is Calling

    http://youtu.be/MUiLY1Q9x4w Q: I had a Big Dream I’ve been working towards for years…and now I have that Dream, I find another Big Dream is lurking under the surface. The trouble is that the new Big Dream is totally different and I will need to let go of a lot of the things I’ve worked so…

  • Every Moment is a Choice

    How many choice points do you think you have in your life? Do you only see the “big” choice points – this job or that job, this relationship or a single life, buy a house or go to Australia. What would you think if I told you that this moment is a choice point? And…

  • March Daily Practice: Trust Yourself

    One of my ‘Beach Cards‘ says: “If you really loved, accepted, honoured and believed in yourself, what would change?” One of the ladies on my facebook page said ‘everything‘, which led me to decide that the Daily Practice for March will be ‘Trust Yourself’. When you trust yourself, you are loving, accepting, honouring and believing…

  • Ask Donna: Exhausted and Discouraged

    Video link: http://youtu.be/IffRAxCH60Q Question: I am following my big dream and it’s been really hard work. I feel exhausted and discouraged, and worst of all I don’t feel I can talk about this as everyone keeps telling me to ‘be positive’ or give up. Maria People who are not following their big dreams sometimes don’t…

  • Dreams To Reality Podcast: The 3 Pillars

    The 3 Pillars: Self Care, energy and joy. These 3 things are the foundation of a successful life – if you feel uncared for, depleted and you’re not enjoying life, life is so much harder! And if you want to make your big dream a reality, you need to be cared for, full of energy…