Tag: energy
What’s Your Life About?
If you had to say what the ‘theme’ for your life was, what would it be? For too many of us, it is ‘misery’, ‘working hard’, ‘getting through the day’ – and largely because we don’t pay attention to what we WANT our life to be about and take steps to make that happen. So…
10 Things I Love About You
I tweeted the other day “Finish this sentence 100 times. I love… Feels good eh?” I’ve been talking recently about getting your energy right first before you do anything – well this is one GREAT way to raise your energy. Focus on what you love. Love energy is so strong, it can work miracles –…
An Injection of Energy
Since having ‘the tingles’, I’ve been unable to do a couple of the things that normally help raise my energy – yoga and swimming. So I’ve had to pay attention to what else raises my energy level and do more of that. When talking about this with a friend, I realised that some people are…
Energy First, Action Second
While I’ve been tingling, I’ve noticed more than usual that when my energy is really low it takes me 100 times longer to do things…and often the things I do manage to do are not usable. For example, despite the 2 week break in blogs, I did actually write a few blog posts. Sadly they…
To Do: Something Fun
Take a look at your ‘to-do’ list – does it have anything fun on it? Does it have ‘sing at the top of your lungs’ or ‘phone my best friend’ or ‘spin until I’m dizzy’ or ‘dance like a loon’ or ‘laugh til your sides hurt’? No? Didn’t think so. To-do lists are great –…
Video: Rushing the River
Life will happen in its own sweet time (divine timing), so why waste energy rushing the river. You can absolutely get into the fastest flowing current (the fun, joyful, high energy place), but when we try to push and force, it actually holds us back. Lie back in your inflatable dinghy and enjoy the ride.…
Release a Spark of Creativity
Inside you is a spark of creativity desperate to get out – whether through writing, singing, dancing, painting, sculpture, acting, or any other medium you are attracted to. Releasing that spark of creativity, whether you are any “good” or not will give you more energy, allow you to have fun, and help you to express…
Honouring Your Energy
I had a very funny conversation with my mom this afternoon – I was saying that I was tired even before the weekend began…and I have a busy weeekend coming up! I expressed a bit of surprise that I was so tired, and she said ‘don’t forget, Tuesday was a tough day – you need…