Tag: impatience

  • Obstacle Busting: Everything Taking Longer Than You Expect

    Obstacle Busting: Everything Taking Longer Than You Expect

    This is a weird one…but one that I am often tripped up by. It’s not exactly an obstacle as such…it’s more a weight tied to your legs that slows you down and gives other obstacles a chance to catch up with you and attack. And many of us are prone to underestimating how long everything…

  • Finishing a Project Takes Time Whether You Like it or Not

    Finishing a Project Takes Time Whether You Like it or Not

    I had a bit of a smackdown from my soul last week. Every day I check in with mind, body, heart and soul in my morning pages to see what my inner wisdom is sharing with me. Last week I had been moaning about the fact that the final bit of my Create a Life…

  • The 7 Phases of the Creative Process

    The 7 Phases of the Creative Process

    Last year when I was writing my book, for the first time I noticed that there were definite phases and peaks and troughs in the creative process. (I’ve written a full length book before – back in 2008, but you never seem to notice anything the first time around do you? Or you think it’s…

  • If Your Bladder is Full, Go To The Toilet

    If Your Bladder is Full, Go To The Toilet

    There’s a conversation I have with clients fairly often about seeing the signs and using them as a reminder.  Like when your bladder is full, you go to the toilet.  When your fuel guage is low, you go to the garage.  There is no bargaining with the bladder and the fuel tank…you might keep them…


    Sometimes when I am talking to people about their Big Dream Journey, they are so frustrated, they want it NOW NOW NOW! I can certainly appreciate that sentiment. I am horribly impatient by nature, and although technology issues have taught be to be a little more patient (when the computer freezes, the only thing that…

  • Announcing the September Daily Practice: Feel How You Feel

    This practice, may, at first look, seem a bit of an odd one. After all, how can you feel anything other than what you feel? But so often, we do not allow ourselves to feel how we feel – either because the emotion is a ‘bad’ one, or because there’s no point feeling joyful because…

  • A Remarkable Life in a Conventional World

    Yesterday over on Jamie Ridler’s website, Jamie announced a give-away, and to enter, you need share your best tip for “living a remarkable life in a conventional world” in the comments. As I started to write my best tip, I realised there is a whole blog post in it! To live a remarkable life in…

  • Ask Donna: It’s So Slow – What Am I Doing Wrong?

    Q: Things seem to be moving really slowly for me and my Big Dream. I keep asking myself what I am doing wrong, but I can’t figure it out. Anne Firstly, please change the question you are asking yourself. Who cares what you are doing wrong?! Build yourself up to feel like you’re doing well,…