Tag: inspiration

  • March Daily Practice: Trust Yourself

    One of my ‘Beach Cards‘ says: “If you really loved, accepted, honoured and believed in yourself, what would change?” One of the ladies on my facebook page said ‘everything‘, which led me to decide that the Daily Practice for March will be ‘Trust Yourself’. When you trust yourself, you are loving, accepting, honouring and believing…

  • Guest Post: Create an Encouragement Box by Jamie Ridler

    When I saw this post from Jamie, I just HAD to share it with you guys – I have an encouragement book but I forget to dip into it when I need it…but this encouragement BOX idea is FABULOUS! It’s right here by my desk twinkling at me! Let me know if you try it,…

  • OnTheBeach – Taking Inspired Action

    OnTheBeach – Taking Inspired Action

    When you are working towards a goal (say, having a life full of purpose, passion and joy for example!), what sort of action do you take? Do you take the next logical step, even when every fibre of your being is screaming at you to do something illogical and seemingly unrelated? Or do you follow…

  • Call On Your Inner Actor

    Last night I went to see Macbeth at the Royal Shakespeare theatre in Stratford. As ever, the actors are incredibly convincing – you can feel their joy, their pain, and their madness. This morning I woke up a little tired, and as so often when tired, I fell into the well worn groove of the…

  • You Are A Catalyst

    Imagine this – you are a person who affects hundreds of people every day. Your thoughts and ideas are highly sought after. You are looked up to by people around you. You are a catalyst for other people – you may be a muse for someone, a launch pad, a sounding board, the wing beneath…

  • Guest post: Stuck in a Rut? A Simple Solution

    My friend Sam shared this on her blog last week and I loved it so much I asked if I could share it with you guys – enjoy! “I am an avid watcher of TED talks. I love the people they draw, the ideas they have, the inspiration they bring to my life. Today I…

  • OnTheBeach – Celebrate Good Times

    OnTheBeach – Celebrate Good Times

    [caption id="attachment_2496" align="alignleft" width="150" caption=" "][/caption]How much do you celebrate your life? Do you wait for birthdays, weddings and christenings to come around or do you celebrate more often? Do you celebrate when you reach a milestone, like paying off a debt? Do you celebrate the little things in life, the everyday joys and achievements?…

  • The Diamond in the Rough

    This morning I read this lovely article, and it got me thinking – how many of us are hiding the diamond within us? How many of us aren’t fully owning our magnificence? How many of us are standing on the sidelines, just watching life go by around us, thinking we can’t make a difference? The…

  • Nothing Holding You Back

    What is holding you back from having a joyous life? What is holding you back from falling in love with life? What is holding you back from doing what you want to do? You may have answered ‘money’, ‘time’, ‘not knowing how or what to do’, maybe it is a person or people, the government,…

  • Dance, Dance, Wherever You May Be

    It doesn’t matter how many times I see this video, it cracks me up every single time. Enjoy! Happy Friday! Love Donna.x