Tag: inspiration

  • What Do I Wish for My Home?

    Wishcasting Wednesday is here again. What do I wish for my home? My immediate, and slightly flippant (although still heartfelt) answer to this was: I wish my home to be in a beautiful climate with a west facing sea view. That is my ultimate wish! But then I read a few other wishcaster’s wishes and…

  • Enjoying the Win

    Last week, I was at a client’s offices and in the meeting room they had a picture titled “Face each problem with a will to win” with a picture of athletes in agony (marathon runners by the look of them). I admire the sentiment. Determination, tenacity and will gets you far. BUT. It’s the agony…

  • Dare to Risk Greatness

    Today I read this e-mail from Neale Donald Walsch, and I just had to share it with you: On this day of your life, Donna, I believe God wants you to know… …that perfection is not required of you — only perfect_effort. Not to even try because you don’t think you can would be terribly…

  • Find A Way

    I watched this video this morning and I love this. http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid49309401001?bctid=610255164001 Many of us have people around us who want to keep us safe and not disappointed by life so they tell us how hard things are, how unlikely it is we’ll succeed, how we should just stop, not try and stay safe. They’re trying…

  • What Did You Do Right Today?

    If I asked you at the end of the day what you did wrong, or what you ‘should’ have done that you didn’t do, how many answers would you have for me? (just a rough guess, you don’t need to count exactly!) My guess is that you could think of 10-20 things quite easily. Now,…

  • The Source of Disatisfaction

    I received this in a newsletter from Chris Guillebeau of the art of non-conformity “Dissatisfaction comes about from wanting something different but not being willing to take action toward achieving it.” Or as my teacher, Carole Dore, puts it “if you’re are paying attention to the sprouts (the ideas, the signs, the creative urges) and…

  • An Easier Way to ‘Get It Done’

    I received this e-mail from Abraham-Hicks yesterday: If there is something that you have to do, resist the temptation to do it under duress. Ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing that would happen if I didn’t do this?” And if you can get away with not doing it at all, don’t do it. And then…

  • This is Your Soul Calling

    Last week I received this message from Neale Donald Walsch: “On this day of your life, Donna, I believe God wants you to know… …that your Inner Life is begging you for some attention. Can you not hear your soul calling to you? Please do not ignore this call any longer. Please do not say,…

  • Video: Validation

    Go and get yourself a cup of tea and a biscuit then sit back and enjoy 15 minutes of wonderful feelgood film-making! You are AMAZING! Love Donna.x

  • To Do: Something Fun

    Take a look at your ‘to-do’ list – does it have anything fun on it? Does it have ‘sing at the top of your lungs’ or ‘phone my best friend’ or ‘spin until I’m dizzy’ or ‘dance like a loon’ or ‘laugh til your sides hurt’? No? Didn’t think so. To-do lists are great –…