Tag: life coach
Ask Donna – Energetic and Healthy
I don’t know what my big dream is. The only thing I can think of is to be healthy and full of energy. But that is so far away from where I am right now – I am 4 stone overweight and exhausted all the time. – Cat http://youtu.be/Anjmc_cXFew That sound like a fabulous big…
Don’t Curse the Dark, Light a Lamp
Today while working on my daily October practice of Laughter, I came across a video from Dr Madan Kataria, the founder of Laughter Yoga, in which he talked about the ancient Indian wisdom which says ‘don’t curse the dark, light a lamp’. Most of us have a tendency to curse the dark, to complain about…
Follow the Energy
I was on a group call last night with the fabulous Joel Young about NPA – a lovely method for freeing and allowing energy. Joel was talking about following the animation – the things that have energy. You know how your energy changes and goes down when you are, say, moaning about the weather? And how…