Tag: life coach

  • Dreams To Reality: Your Big Dream

    It’s the start of a New Year – for many of us a time for setting goals, thinking how to make this year better than last year, setting New Year’s Resolutions designed solely to take the joy out of our lives! (Don’t get me started on New Year’s Resolutions – for my thoughts on this,…

  • Ask Donna – Energetic and Healthy

    I don’t know what my big dream is. The only thing I can think of is to be healthy and full of energy. But that is so far away from where I am right now – I am 4 stone overweight and exhausted all the time. – Cat http://youtu.be/Anjmc_cXFew That sound like a fabulous big…

  • Don’t Curse the Dark, Light a Lamp

    Today while working on my daily October practice of Laughter, I came across a video from Dr Madan Kataria, the founder of Laughter Yoga, in which he talked about the ancient Indian wisdom which says ‘don’t curse the dark, light a lamp’. Most of us have a tendency to curse the dark, to complain about…

  • Follow the Energy

    Follow the Energy

    I was on a group call last night with the fabulous Joel Young about NPA – a lovely method for freeing and allowing energy.  Joel was talking about following the animation – the things that have energy.  You know how your energy changes and goes down when you are, say, moaning about the weather?  And how…