Tag: life coaching
Ask Donna: Nothing’s Changing
http://youtu.be/0ZdB-4cH_XI Q: Nothing’s changing, what am I doing wrong? Chloe Firstly, are you taking action (be really honest!). Sometimes we’re so busy visualising and planning and gathering information, we forget to actually take action. There comes a point at which you have to take action. If not, take the next baby step (something that can…
Podcast: Fears and Your Big Dream
What fears are lurking in your subconscious mind waiting to trip you up on your way to your Big Dream? If we don’t look at these fears, it’s like navigating an obstacle course with a blindfold on! We will keep bumping into them…but we don’t really know what exactly we’re bumping into – whether it’s…
June Daily Practice: Champagne Moments
[caption id="attachment_2758" align="alignleft" width="300" caption=" "][/caption]Earlier this week I was listening to the cricket commentary, Test Match Special. At the end of the game, they nominate a ‘Champagne Moment’ – an outstanding and memorable moment in the match. And it got me thinking…what a GREAT daily practice! To notice and to nominate an outstanding and…
Podcast: Expectations and Your Big Dream
We sometimes set ourselves unrealistic, unclear and even impossible expectations. Then we end up disappointed, and feeling like a failure – this can critically injure our Big Dream, and put a big dent in our confidence. It can even stop us from pursuing our Big Dreams. Because of unrealistic, unclear and impossible expectations. To listen…
Ask Donna: My Big Dream Got Stuck Should I Keep Going?
To watch this week’s video: Click here Q: I have been merrily taking action on my Big Dream for months now, and all of a sudden I seem to have got stuck. I can’t see any sign that what I’m doing is working and I’m wondering whether to bother keeping going? – Elaine Sadly, for…
Podcast: Taking Risks and Your Big Dream
Your Big Dream lies outside your comfort zone…so do you need to leap out of your comfort zone, take big risks, jump out of the plane?? Or is there another way? I believe so…an easier way, a gentler way. Just nudge the edges of your comfort zone, put a toe outside your comfort zone and…