Tag: life coaching

  • You Gotta Have Friends

    Among the many wonderful things about self-employment, there are a few things that totally suck. One is the fact that every day you have to pick yourself up to work – whether you feel good or bad, prosperous or broke, whether everything is going well or everything is going wrong, whether you have lots of…

  • Reflect Upon Your Blessings

    …Reflect upon your blessings, of which every man has plenty, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some… – Charles Dickens Do you spend more time reflecting on what a shame it is for you that you don’t have this or that, or on how lucky you are to have plentiful, running…

  • Ask Donna: Conflicting Advice

    http://youtu.be/KR-tKNHXwxg Q: I have shared my big dream with friends and family, and they all have lots of advice for me…the trouble is all the advice conflicts and contradicts and I am now so confused I don’t know what to do! Whenever I say, this is what I’m going to do, someone tells me it…

  • Time To Stand and Stare

    [align=”alignleft” width=”237″ caption=”Sitting and staring”]Today, I was in a ‘standing and staring’ mood…but there were things to be done, places to go, people to see… So I tried to be productive and busy, but throughout the day I kept coming back to one thing: standing and staring. In the end, I allowed myself to sit…

  • Ask Donna – My Big Dream to go to Uni

    To watch this video, click this link: http://youtu.be/YNpnjTs1wwc Q: My big dream is to get a university degree – all my friends went to uni and they think it’s no big deal and don’t understand why I want to do it, but I got a job, settled down and had my kids and I feel…

  • February Special Offer

    [caption id="attachment_3181" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Photo: acrylicartist on morguefile"][/caption]February can be a ‘blah’ month – winter has dragged on forever, it’s still cold, dark and in the UK right now snowy. Yuck. Your New Year’s Resolutions have fallen by the wayside, and this year is looking to be just the same as last year. But it…

  • Ask Donna: Exhausted and Discouraged

    Video link: http://youtu.be/IffRAxCH60Q Question: I am following my big dream and it’s been really hard work. I feel exhausted and discouraged, and worst of all I don’t feel I can talk about this as everyone keeps telling me to ‘be positive’ or give up. Maria People who are not following their big dreams sometimes don’t…

  • Dreams To Reality: Your Big Dream

    It’s the start of a New Year – for many of us a time for setting goals, thinking how to make this year better than last year, setting New Year’s Resolutions designed solely to take the joy out of our lives! (Don’t get me started on New Year’s Resolutions – for my thoughts on this,…

  • Ask Donna – Energetic and Healthy

    I don’t know what my big dream is. The only thing I can think of is to be healthy and full of energy. But that is so far away from where I am right now – I am 4 stone overweight and exhausted all the time. – Cat http://youtu.be/Anjmc_cXFew That sound like a fabulous big…

  • OnTheBeach – A Triumph of Hope and Ingenuity

    This is an article I wrote last year just after the Chilean miners were released – the message is just as relevant today, I hope you enjoy it. Have you been watching the Chilean miners being brought out today? I have had the news on in the background all day – a very rare thing…