Tag: love yourself

  • Fall in Love With Your Inner Critic

    Fall in Love With Your Inner Critic

    There is a lot of advice out there about dealing with your inner critic – shutting her up, telling her to fuck off, boxing her in, ignoring her. Hmmm. I never liked the idea of demonising my inner critic – after all, she is still part of me, even if she is a part I…

  • Do You Love, Cherish, Adore and Treasure Yourself?

    Do You Love, Cherish, Adore and Treasure Yourself?

    There’s been a theme developing in my life of late. It started when I read my friend’s (brilliant) book and noticed a couple of sections that mentioned self-love leaping out at me. (by the way, the book’s not out yet, but when it is, I’ll be sharing it all over the place, it’s fabulous). Self-love.…

  • OnTheBeach: 100 Things You Love About You

    At the end of September, Allison Crow had a free Doodle Meditation event on Facebook – it was her Manifestation and Meditation with Markers Chakra Series. I love these doodle meditations – I love the colour, I love the chance to just doodle and draw and use coloured pens. And doing the course reminded me…