Tag: potential
Podcast: What if I Can’t Have My Big Dream?
Do you avoid following your Big Dream because you’re afraid of failure or disappointment? Disappointment is not that bad, compared to the aliveness, joy, potential and possibility that you find when you do follow your Big Dreams. Living a life which is crushing your soul is WAY more hurtful than any disappointment. Disappointment is ok…
You Got Potential
Are you living up to your best self? Being the best you can be? Fulfilling your potential? No? Join the club! Me neither…until I take over the universe, I never will fulfil my potential (evil chuckle). The first thing that really interests me about this ‘potential’ business is that you can never fulfil it…there’s always…
The Process of Life
I have lost count of how often people have said to me “I’m not there yet” – as in “I’m not Queen of the universe yet”, “I’m not a gazillionaire yet”, “I’m not filling my potential yet”. Who is? Everybody has more they want to achieve, more they want to do, and it often doesn’t…