Tag: special offer

  • Back To School Dream Booster Sessions

    It’s back to school time! Do you feel that September is a starting point? A ‘new’ year? I always feel like it is, after the slower energy of summer, the holiday time, it feels like September is the perfect time to get something moving, to start something anew, to re-connect with something that’s been on…

  • February Special Offer

    [caption id="attachment_3181" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Photo: acrylicartist on morguefile"][/caption]February can be a ‘blah’ month – winter has dragged on forever, it’s still cold, dark and in the UK right now snowy. Yuck. Your New Year’s Resolutions have fallen by the wayside, and this year is looking to be just the same as last year. But it…

  • I’m Published On Smashwords!

    Today is a day of celebration – my ebook 110 Steps to Heal Your Money has been published on Smashwords. This means that you can now download this ebook in formats for most e-readers as well as in pdf format! To celebrate, the ebook is at 50% off until 7th April 2010 with the code…

  • A Step by Step Approach

    One of the biggest mistakes clients (and me!) often make is in trying to go too far too fast. They want to be at the top of the mountain instantly. However, there is some distance to climb first. Until we master teleportation, we have to travel the distance between here and there. This applies to…

  • Create a Joyful Life with 20% Off

    Yep, it’s that crazy time of year again when we set ourselves puritanical goals of deprivation, born of desperation, fear and stress. Small wonder 90+% of New Year’s resolutions are broken within a week! Is there a better way? You bet your butt there’s a better way – instead of focusing on what you want…

  • End 2009 With Some Sparkle!

    Introducing my end of year special offer – 3 coaching sessions to help you round up your year with a bit of Sparkle! 1. What exactly do you want? Get some clarity about this year/your life, and let’s get excited about the life you want! 2. Inspired action. Nothing will happen if you do nothing…

  • The Basil Fawlty School of Response

    Just as I was wondering what fascinating topic to address today, I noticed that my internet connection keeps dropping. I am trying to load a video to YouTube (which if I manage it, I will share with you tomorrow!) and the blasted connection keeps dropping. Now there are several ways I could react to this…