Tag: wishes

  • What Burden Do You Wish to Put Down?

    Wishcasting Wednesday is here again. A thought-provoking one this week. What Burden Do You Wish to Put Down? The burden that I wish to put down is the burden of expectation. I have always had very high standards and expectations for myself. I always thought that this was a good thing – it fuelled my…

  • Wishcasting Wednesday – What do I wish to renew?

    For Jamie Ridler’s Wishcasting Wednesday this week she asks, what do you wish to renew? For me, I wish to renew my enthusiasm for my business. After 6 years of self-employment, I think I’ve become a little jaded and blase about it…and I want to treat it with the joy, passion and energy it deserves…

  • Make A Wish

    I subscribe to Jamie Ridler’s blog posts, and every Wednesday she does something called ‘Wishcasting’ where she gives you a prompt, and you answer that prompt and make a wish. I’ve been considering posting some of my wishes here for a few months, but never got to it…but this one today seemed the perfect way…