#1 – The NEW Dreams to Reality newsletter – a monthly newsletter with articles helping you to bring your dreams to reality, plus the best of the blog and some other bits and bobs. To sign up, click here.
#2 – The NEW Big Vision Sessions – use this new service to give your Big Dream or Vision for your life a burst of rocket fuel – to find out more and to book click here.
#3 – The NEW Banish Money Misery podcast – I share tips, tools, ideas and encouragement to help you banish money misery from your life – to listen, click here.
#4 – The NEW ‘Ask Donna’ video series – every week I will be answering your questions about bringing your dreams into reality – to watch the launch video and to subscribe on YouTube, click here.
#5 – The NEW Dreams to Reality podcast – a podcast dedicated to helping you move your dreams into reality. Of all the launches, this is the one I have had the most fun with! To hear the first one and subscribe on itunes, click here.
I have been asked WHY so many new things…well, apart from the fact that ‘it seemed like a good idea at the time'(!), I started to feel towards the end of last year that I wanted to reach a MUCH bigger audience and help MORE people to move their dreams into reality (hence the theme of these launches – even the Banish Money Misery launch is related because it is easier to follow your dreams when you’ve got the money thing sorted!). So please help me to spread the word – if you like any of the above launches, or if you know someone who might like them, please share them. Like, rate, review, tweet, facebook, and generally shout it from the rooftops! I would be eternally grateful…and they might be too!
And because they are ‘all new’, I would love your feedback – what do you like about these things? What could I improve? What would help you move your dreams into reality that I am not yet offering?
Lots of love