The Daily Constitutional

In The Independent a few years ago, John Walsh wrote about the pleasures we have lost because we’re usually in so much of a hurry. Here’s part of what he wrote:

“How long is it since you entertained the concept of Going For A Walk? I don’t mean the urgent dash to the shops on Saturday afternoon, or the purposeful not-quite-run on the common in your expensive trainers. I mean the purposeless amble through the backstreets of your fashionable suburb, taking in the sights, peering through windows (but don’t push your luck) and greeting neighbours with a cheery doffing of one’s Homburg. The lack of any actual goal, other than getting out of the house and seeing what the world is up to, is what gives the random constitutional its old-fashioned charm.”

It’s as true today as it was then. When was the last time you had a good mooch around for no purpose at all? I get to mooch on a daily basis because my dog needs walking…so there is a purpose…but I still do it as a nice gentle mooch. This week (when the skies have been clear) I’ve been mooching to the top of the hill across the road and watching the sunset. Now I know I said ‘mooch for no purpose at all’, but as reasons to mooch go, this one is hard to beat!

Go mooching.






