Note: This article was written in September, I’m only getting round to putting it on the blog 3 months on!! But not a lot has changed – another blog with the latest updates is coming soon…
So, my summer was…not great to be honest. I have MS, my symptoms are made worse by heat and humidity, and this year, summer has totally kicked my ass!
I got to August completely exhausted and depleted so I decided on a hiatus. Usually, after a few weeks (sometimes days) of hiatus, I feel refreshed, full of ideas and chomping at the bit to get going again.
This year, not so much. Okay, not at all.
I got to the end of August and couldn’t even contemplate going back to what I used to do.
So I am continuing my hiatus. I am continuing to rest and meditate and honour my energy….of which I have very little.
It is not a comfortable place to be. I have experienced, tolerated and occasionally been graceful about ebbs before, but this is the ebbiest ebb I have ever experienced.
I can’t yet see sunshine on the horizon. I don’t know what I will come out of the ebb with (new ideas, fresh perspective, a complete overhaul of my life), and despite the fact that I often say I’d love to just spend my days reading and napping… I am already a bit bored of that.
I’m working hard to do nothing and it is very hard work! It would be much easier (and safer, more familiar) to fill my days with busy work.
But I don’t have the energy for walking to the shop, never mind busywork.
So, no weekly articles for the foreseeable I am afraid.
You know I said earlier in the year the universe was slowing me down? Well, it seems big u has upped the stakes and I am going slower than I ever have in my life before.
Wish me luck with this ebbiest of ebbs.