The Heart of the Matter

So tell me what you want, what you really, really want (and then PLEASE forgive me for quoting the Spice Girls!) Do you know what you want? And why do you want that thing? Keep asking why do you want that, and why do you want that, and why, why, why until you get to the heart of the matter. Why? Because sometimes you can get what you want faster than you think, sometimes you can get what you want more easily than you think, and sometimes you realise that what you thought you wanted isn’t what you really really want at all.

For example, I want to lose weight. Why? So I can look in the mirror and be happy with what I see. Why? So I can love myself. Why? That’s the root of it – loving myself. Do I need to lose weight to do this? Nope. I can love myself right now. At the weight I am. It doesn’t mean I won’t still want to lose weight, because there are other ‘why’s for that – fitness, health, wearing my favourite shorts that are currently a size too small. But the main ‘why’ I can get right now, just by changing my attitude to me. (Just planted a kiss on myself. MWAH!)

Here’s another example: I want to expand my business. Why? 1. To help more people. Why? That’s the root of it! 2. To make more money. Why? To enjoy my life more! Why? That’s the root of it. Can I do that without expanding my business? Oh yeah. In fact, I can do it without making any more money at all. And I can make more money without necessarily expanding my business (money can come in a thousand different ways). And one final example from a client of mine: “I want to get a promotion.” Why? “So I can make more money.” Why? “So I can leave this job and travel the world.” Seriously, that was the answer!

This person realised that they could travel the world by selling some old stuff, saving from their current job, and doing a few hours overtime for a couple of months. Within 6 months, they had bought their round the world ticket. Whereas the promotion would have added a lot of stress, overtime without pay, and a good 2 years onto the dream…if not forever. So check what you want, what you really, really want at the heart of what you’re aiming for. And you never know, there might be a quicker, easier, or more fun route to get what you want!




