To Do: Something Fun

Take a look at your ‘to-do’ list – does it have anything fun on it? Does it have ‘sing at the top of your lungs’ or ‘phone my best friend’ or ‘spin until I’m dizzy’ or ‘dance like a loon’ or ‘laugh til your sides hurt’? No? Didn’t think so.

To-do lists are great – I love a ‘to-do’ list…especially if I’m actually ticking things off said to-do list. But the trouble is that they are all too often boring, uninspiring, hard work and make us feel bad. On my to do list for a few months has been ‘do my tax return’. Ugh. B-o-r-i-n-g! Lol – it will get done soon, but I know that it will be on a day when I’ve done some fun stuff and I’m inspired to fly through it (I keep doing bits, this last bit will probably take 2 hours in total).

See, not only is fun stuff fun (!), it also gives us energy and inspiration and joy and good feelings that help us to fly through the slightly less enjoyable stuff with a big smile and a flourish, instead of a big sigh and a mopey face!

So, add to your to-do list something fun…and let me know what it is cos it might be so much fun that I do it myself too! 🙂





