Weekend Mission: Just for Fun

Yesterday in the supermarket, I spotted a ‘bubble wand’ – I’ve seen these around and about before, but I had never had a go…so into the trolley it went! This morning I’ve been playing with it, and while I was it occurred to me that if I was ‘spotted’, people would wonder what on earth I was doing. I was playing. Just for fun. But most adults don’t think playing just for fun is something an adult should do. I think that’s why we love kids, because when we’re with them, we have an excuse to be childish, ridiculous and fun without feeling like we’re doing something ‘weird’.

Isn’t that incredibly sad? Children understand instinctively that you don’t need reasons to play just for fun. You just do it. But then we grow up and become boring and sensible. Well, I say it’s time to throw that ‘grown up’ persona out of the window and get playing again. Just for fun. Just because you love bubbles and would enjoy playing with a bubble wand. I did! And I make no apology for being 7 years old at heart. Sensible, boring people might not approve (even though I know they secretly want to join in) but I don’t care, it’s fun!

So, your mission this weekend, should you choose to accept it is to play, to do something just for fun. Enjoy!




