What Do You Wish For the World

Wishcasting Wednesday is here again.

What Do You Wish For the World

I was thinking about this prompt, waiting for profound thoughts to hit, when the loving kindness meditation came to mind:

May the world be filled with loving kindness
May the world be well
May the world be peaceful and at ease
May the world be happy
May the world be free of suffering

I think that says it all. Get involved on Jamie’s blog, or leave a comment here. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.








7 responses to “What Do You Wish For the World”

  1. Sandy Van Nocker avatar

    As you wish for yourself & the world, so I wish!

  2. maryannk avatar

    As you wish for the world , I wish with you also.

  3. Deborah Weber avatar

    As Donna wishes for the world, so I wish as well.

  4. Mare avatar

    All great! As you wish for yourself (and the world), so I truly wish also.

  5. April Cole avatar

    Lovely wishes…
    As you wish this for the world, I wish this for us all as well. :]

  6. Ginny avatar

    Beautiful wishes. As Donna wishes for the world, I wish as well.

  7. Erin Richardson avatar
    Erin Richardson

    Thank you for sharing such an optimistic vision. As you wish for the world, Donna, so do I wish for it as well.