What Do You Wish To Dare?

Wishcasting Wednesday is here again.

What Do You Wish To Dare?

I’m a woman who always has hundreds of ideas of what to do with my business and my life, I’m usually working on at least 5 projects at a time, and humming along nicely with all of them. But this question forced me to see that I wish to dare to take a few more risks, to take a few big leaps. To instead of gently pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone, to leap outside it and do a happy dance!

What do you wish to dare? Get involved on Jamie’s blog, or leave a comment here. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.







2 responses to “What Do You Wish To Dare?”

  1. Maria avatar

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also! ~M

  2. LissaL avatar

    Go for it:)
    As Donna wishes for herself, so I wish also