So this week I’ve been confronted daily with an energy drop to zero.
On Monday I woke up more tired than when I went to bed.
Sometimes, the morning routine will refresh me.
This week, not so much.
In the past, I would have forced myself to do the things I wanted to do, until I realised the futility of it (because my brain is not functioning) hours later.
This week, I did an hour, got up to dance – to give myself a chance to check in with my body – at which point I realised working was a waste of time, and just stopped to rest.
On Tuesday I was out and about, then had a call when I got back, after which my energy had dropped pretty low.
In the past, I would have worked anyway – because the day before had been unproductive and I had stuff I wanted to do.
This week, I meditated, did the one single thing that had to be done that day, and finished for the day.
Yesterday I was at the dentist getting a filling (that fell out last year) replaced.
In the past, I would have taken myself straight back to work, never mind the stress, anxiety and fear I’d just been through (I find anything more than a check-up at the dentist so stressful).
This week, I decided I’d sit and read for a bit and give myself a chance to settle down before heading to the desk.
As it turned out, my energy dropped to zero again soon after I sat down so I ended up having a nap for an hour.
In the past, I would definitely have worked in the afternoon after that – I mean I’d already missed so much work this week.
This week, I recognised that I needed the rest, and rested.
OK, I’m lucky that I have the flexibility in my work to do that.
But I’ve had that flexibility for years, and for a long time I still bought into the must work hard during work day no matter how I feel mindset.
And OK, the main reason I am so good at this now is because MS has kicked my ass to the kerb over the last 2 years.
But everyone has this capacity in some way.
Even if you work for others and they won’t let you nap during the work day (and I understand most employers are still in the dark ages on this one), you still get to choose what you do with your time after work.
Even if you have family commitments, you still get to choose to be supermom or to give yourself a break somewhere – getting takeaway, leaving the clearing up, delegating to others in your home, making something you have to do easier.
But do you let yourself rest when you need to?
Do you give yourself a break?
Do you let life be easier so you can get a break?
Do you take time off when you need to?
Or do you push through to nervous exhaustion?
If it’s the latter, why not try this week just once cutting yourself a little break?
Sit down for 5, delegate something, book a day off, let something be easy…and if you can, go have a nap.
You don’t have to take the best part of 3 days off if that’s just not an option for you (as in kids will starve, job will be lost), but you can always find a small way to cut yourself a little more slack.
Let me know how you are with allowing yourself some rest when you need it.

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