why is it so hard to embrace joy and self-care

Why is it so hard to embrace joy and self-care?

I’m part of 2 challenges this month – in my own group “Fall in Love With Life” our daily practice for April is Self-care, and in Amina Makhdoom Lynch’s Joy Challenge, the theme is of course joy. And so many people in both challenges are bumping up against their comfort zone in terms of taking care of themselves and enjoying themselves.

Funny isn’t it?

Why on earth should there be a comfort zone of how much we can take care of ourselves or how much joy we can have? Don’t you think that’s a bit crazy?

And don’t think I’m immune. Despite practicing good self-care for over a decade and making joy a big priority in my life, I still find myself wanting to put other things first. Like “I’ll do that joy activity when I’ve done X, Y and Z” – it appears I need to earn my joy, to have done enough to deserve to enjoy myself or take care of me.

Um…what the…?

I’ve not been well for the past week, and for most of the time I kept going – not wanting to let anyone down (never mind that I was letting myself down by pushing through illness) or be judged for being precious or weak (whaaaaaaat??!?!).

When I finally succumbed to not feeling well at all and retired to my bed for 2 days, I felt guilty, lazy, feeble and worried about what people would think.

Now I’m better, I remember of course that what other people think of me is none of my business, and if they choose to see me as idle and delicate, that is entirely up to them.

I don’t think that people are idle and delicate when they are ill and need to go to bed. I think they are taking care of themselves, and good for them. And if they were to tell me they feel slack and weak for taking care of their bodies, I’d be righteously indignant on their behalf.

I’m guessing that you would too.

But do you have more rigorous standards for yourself? Do you treat yourself more harshly than you do anyone else? Do you allow yourself only a certain quota of joy or self-care (or both)?

If so, I encourage you this week to push just a little at those boundaries. You don’t have to leap out of your comfort zone and take a year off to lie on a beach (although if you want to and you can, why not?). Simply do a little more self-care, or increase your joy just a smidge.

Because let me tell you darling:

You deserve it.

You are worthy.

You feeling good impacts everyone around you in a positive way.

Self-care is good maintenance for your one and only self.

Joy is the whole point of life

Please give yourself permission to take better care of you and enjoy your life more. Because nobody’s stopping you but you. Your life, your choice, your self-care, your joy. You deserve it.

Join the Fall in Love With Life group here.

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