With all the uncertainty in the financial world at the moment, there is a lot of worrying going on. The news programmes seem to be doing their absolute best to provoke panic, fear and stress. From what I can tell they are succeeding in this aim with a lot of people. However, some of us have a memory…and I remember this year that the stock market has ‘crashed’ according to the news 57 times. Actual number of crashes…zero.
Whenever someone (even a highly respected newscaster) says ‘this could happen’ or ‘this could mean’, I always think ‘and the sky COULD fall in, Chicken Little’. Forgive me, but I am not going to worry about something that could happen…for a start, the possibilities are endless, I’d be in the nuthouse by the end of the week! Worrying about something that could (and equally, could not) happen is a total waste of energy…and if you ask me, is part of the problem for the financial markets because everyone is panicking!
If the current news makes you think ‘hmmm…perhaps my finances aren’t as secure as I thought – I am going to educate myself and make it better’ THAT is all to the good. But if you are watching the news, and believing that the sky is falling…how is this helping you? Don’t get me wrong, of course the sky COULD fall down. But I shan’t be worrying about it until it happens (and not a moment before!)