Your Friday Mission…

…Should you choose to accept it:

Each day of this weekend, remove one thing from your life that brings you down and add one thing that brings you up.

It’s the simplest of missions – and actually, what a joyful, happy life would be all about if we paid attention. Instead we are so busy with our careers, amassing piles of cash, trying to keep up with all our friends and family in an already busy life, filling every spare hour with stuff to do. And we stop being aware of one simple question: Does this make me feel better or worse? Does this feel good when I do it, see it, spend time with it? Does this enhance my life?

Now, you may look around your life and think that ALL of it has to be thrown out – the job, the home, the relationship, the friendships…but let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater here. Start with small things. Is there a piece of clutter that has been bugging you for a while? Is there a tv programme that always depresses you when you watch it? Is there a food you eat that you no longer like? Get rid of that small thing.

Now add one small thing – maybe you like to look at the stars, or watch the sunset. Do it today (cloud cover permitting!). Maybe you haven’t had a soak in the bath for months – do it today. Maybe you love burning essential oils, or listening to a certain type of music, or you have been saving the silk undies for ‘a special occasion’. Today bring something into your life that makes you feel good.

You may want to carry on past this weekend – every day just dropping one item, idea, habit, process, even person that no longer serves you; and picking up just one item, idea, habit, process, even person that makes you feel good. If you did this for a couple of months, just imagine how good life could be?

Let me know how you get on. Joy be with you.





