Social media feeds are full to the brim right now with goal setting stuff for the New Year…all claiming that without their system you will never succeed. Ugh.
Ok, confession time, I will be one of them (Create and Live Your Vision is how I do my yearly planning) but one thing you can guarantee is that I won’t be saying “if you don’t get this product you’ll be doomed to failure forever”. Partly because I’m not good at hyperbole (unless we’re talking chocolate, then it is the Best Thing Ever), but mostly because it’s bullshit.
One way to set your goals and succeed?
Really? No, no and a thousand times no.
Erm, ok, I’m now going to tell you a one way to set your goals and succeed, but it’s a pretty open ‘one way’:
Find what feels good.
If it feels good to you to have a goals book or planner or workbook, do it.
If it feels good to you to have a list of 100 things you want to be, do, have, do it.
If it feels good to you to set SMART goals, do it.
If it feels good to you to set New Year’s Resolutions, do it.
If it feels good to you to feel into who you want to be next year, do it.
If it feels good to meditate and invite in your most awesome life, do that.
If it feels good to not do any of these things, do that.
Do what feels good to you, and what works for you. It’s YOUR life people! You don’t have to live it according to anyone else’s rules. You don’t have to do what they say to have an awesome life. You can do it any which way you please.
I have used goals books and planners…they are fun, but I don’t follow through on them. I have had those lists of 100 things, but I prefer shorter lists of ‘what’s next’ for me. Don’t even get me started about SMART goals (if you’d like to know what I think, see this video…short version: I’m not a fan). The only year I kept resolutions was the year I didn’t make any. So I don’t do them.
I love feeling into who I want to be. I love meditating and calling in awesome life stuff. So that’s what I do.
And if you do one thing, set one goal, have one aim for next year, PLEASE let it be to follow your own wisdom, to find your own inner compass, to take the reins of your life and stop letting other people tell you that you have to do it their way.
You don’t.
Helping you learn to lean into your own wisdom and live your life your way is what I do in my coaching, so if you feel drawn to getting help with this get in touch now!

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2 responses to “Bewildered by all the Goal-Setting Tools? Find What Feels Good”
Thank you Anne <3 xxx
You are so definitely a kindred spirit, including the beach-loving part! Spreading the love and joy… Thank you. 🙂