Ask Donna – I Keep Stopping and Starting

Q: I keep starting and stopping with taking action on my big dream. I get so frustrated with myself that I can’t just KEEP GOING! – Valerie

Firstly, be kind to yourself. You keep STARTING…good for you! Think about the best way to get the best out of yourself (it’s not by getting frustrated and angry with yourself!)

Second, look at why you are stopping. Some reasons you might be stopping: natural stopping points such as an ebb, recharge time or refuel time; a natural stopping point of ‘time to mull’; life getting in the way; fears, obstacles or blockages coming up to be dealt with…

Once you’ve figured out why you’re stopping, you can start to find strategies to keep yourself going again. Get some help from your Dream Team to keep you moving forward.

It’s not a big deal – everyone gets this. We’re not perfect. And our Big Dreams have a tendency to bring up a lot of stuff for us to deal with! That’s their nature, that’s part of their charm! And remember, this time of ‘stop and start’ is just your time to learn how best to pursue your Big Dream and flow as much as possible (while allowing for ebbs!)

