How are you really feeling?

This article was written at the end of April 2020.

How are you doing my darling? What’s happening with you? How are you feeling, really? Stiff upper lips aside, how are you?

I’m rubbish! My darling doggie Mollie was put to sleep on Tuesday. So I’m absolutely devastated.

She was nearly 17 years old and she was on lots and lots of medication so it wasn’t a shock.

But there’s a big hole in my life right now.

I’m heartbroken.

And it got me thinking about how we feel, how we really feel.

During corona-pocalypse (and during normal life), we’re often masking how we truly feel.

Rather than telling the raw truth, we say “I’m fine”. Understandable, we don’t want to bleed all over everyone, be a hot mess, and sometimes we just don’t know how we really feel.

But if we’re doing that too much, we do ourselves a damage.

What we hide mentally will eventually come out as mental health issues; what we hide emotionally will eventually come flying out at inappropriate times (road rage, anyone?).

So how are you really feeling mentally and emotionally?

When you know how you’re feeling, you can do something with it.

You might not be able to change it – I’m sad right now, that’s not going to change anytime soon.

But I can manage it. I can give myself the time to feel sad, to cry, to stare at the wall.

I can take the pressure off myself to get anything done. I can allow myself some leeway as my brain is pretty scrambled right now.

This helps.

Once you know how you feel, you can give yourself what you need mentally and emotionally, instead of ignoring the fact that you have any mental or emotional needs!

If you’d like to explore mental and emotional self-care more, come and join my Facebook group where you will find a video series on all aspects of self-care..

And I’d love to hear how you’re really feeling, if you want to share – contact me and let me know.

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