
  • 5 Tips For Taking Inspired Action

    I’ve been working on a project over the last few months to create a transcription and full workbook for my E-Workshop “Create a Life Worth Falling in Love With” and in the process of listening and reading each audio, I realized there is so much more to say about inspired action than I said in…

  • Success is More Than Straight A’s and Trophies

    I had a funny conversation with a client this week. She was disappointed about not getting an opportunity and felt she’d failed. So far, so understandable, right? But it was an opportunity she didn’t want. To me, not getting the opportunity you didn’t want to get in the first place is the very definition of…

  • Are You Ruled By Your To-Do List or Your Intuition?

    One of my friends is a deeply intuitive, gifted coach. This week she shared on Facebook that after resisting ‘the list’ for a while, when the energy was right, she did everything on that very big list in 2 hours. As I thought about this, I started to laugh…because this is exactly what I do.…

  • So You’re Not Queen of the Universe Yet?

    You know those days when you think “oh man, I’m not X yet; I should be way more Y than I am; those people over there are totally rocking Z…and I’m not”? We all have them, we all fall down the “I should be doing better than I am” pothole sometimes. But guess what? It…

  • Summer Sale Ends 31st August

    I would love to work with every single one of you to help you fall in love with your life, and make your dreams a reality. But I know not everyone has the time or the funds to work with a coach for 6 months…so I created the “Create a Life Worth Falling In Love…

  • 12 Pill-Free Tips For Insomniacs

    If you’ve been reading my stuff for a while, you’ll know that I’m a bit of a pulpit basher for sleep – I think many of the worlds ills are caused by poor sleep, and I know for myself that if I’m not sleeping well, I become somewhat psychotic and homicidal…not a great mix! Poor…

  • Big Change Lives in the Land of Small Tweaks

    Although many of us want big change in our lives, most of us do not need to change beyond recognition. For most of us, it is small tweaks, little changes in perception, attitude, focus, action. Gentle, but persistent changes that make big differences. It is filling in the gaps to make sense of our world.…

  • Make Your Best Judgement and Act

    I was reading a book the other day, and one of the characters was doubting their decisions – another said “All you can do is make your best judgement and act”. It’s so true. We don’t have the power to see into the future, we cannot see all consequences of any action, we cannot know…

  • What Do You Need To Get Off Your Plate?

    It’s been an interesting couple of weeks – last week I had a 3-day week thanks to a trip to the cricket; so I had to ruthlessly cull my to do list in order to fit everything in. This week I realised that in the whole of August, I am working on 11 days. That’s…

  • 5 Myths About Big Dreams

    The world of Big Dreams is a beautiful one, full of adventure and promise and potential…and it also spawns some crazy (and massively unhelpful) beliefs, ideas, truisms and myths! These myths will make you think you have no big dreams, or your dreams aren’t big enough, or you can’t do them because you’re not a…