Search results for: “self-care”

  • Podcast: Extreme Self-Care and Your Big Dream

    Your Big Dream requires a lot from you – a lot of your energy and time, and they demand that you are very well cared of. Extreme self-care means going the extra mile for ourselves, taking extremely good care of yourself. Taking care of yourself body, mind, heart and soul, and supporting yourself fully, 100%…

  • December Daily Practice: Self-care

    Happy December to you! Woohoo! I love December – despite the fact that I despise the cold and dark, December contains my birthday, Christmas, pressies galore, sparkly lights, holidays and crap tv. Hazah! Hope you are delighted to see the beginning of December too! So, a new month, and it’s time for a new daily…

  • Do you work on your feel-good foundations?

    Do you work on your feel-good foundations?

    I’ve been thinking about how much you work on your feel-good foundations. I check in most days with my foundations to keep an eye on them. I have daily practices that support my self-care, joy, energy, and self-love. But deliberately working on them? Not really. I need a challenge (like Joy Challenge every April) to…

  • What is your body telling you right now?

    What is your body telling you right now?

    I’ve had 4 migraines in 3 weeks. Plus a stung foot that led to all sorts of fun with antihistamine, itching, swelling, and ended up with me worshipping the mighty Aloe Vera plant.  So it got me thinking:  What is your body telling you right now?  And are you listening?  My body was telling me…

  • Measuring Your Feel-Good Foundations

    Measuring Your Feel-Good Foundations

    At the heart of my coaching program is something I call the Feel Good Foundations – they are self-care, joy, energy, and self-love. If these 4 foundations are strong, life is easier, achieving goals and ambitions is easier and life is a great deal more fun! I’m writing the book on this as we speak…

  • What stops you loving life?

    What stops you loving life?

    I’ve been asking over on my Facebook page what stops people from loving their lives right now. Obviously it’s tough times at the moment – crazy killer virus, lockdown, job stress and uncertainty, financial stress, future stress, the list goes on and on. So what exactly is stopping you from loving life right now? Before…

  • What is Life Teaching You Right Now?

    What is Life Teaching You Right Now?

    I was pondering the other day what life is teaching me right now. I think it’s ‘surrender’, and staying in the present moment (because the future is even more uncertain than usual). What do you think life is teaching you right now? Life isn’t the kind of teacher who has a cane and a difficult…

  • Er, Crazy, Killer, Virus?

    Er, Crazy, Killer, Virus?

    This article is a fictional conversation between a coach and a client. It was first written in May – mid lockdown in the UK, but it’s still just as relevant now. This fictional conversation is an amalgamation of several conversations I had in April, May and beyond. Do you recognise anything in this chat? Client:…

  • How are you really feeling?

    How are you really feeling?

    This article was written at the end of April 2020. How are you doing my darling? What’s happening with you? How are you feeling, really? Stiff upper lips aside, how are you? I’m rubbish! My darling doggie Mollie was put to sleep on Tuesday. So I’m absolutely devastated. She was nearly 17 years old and…

  • What do you want to come out of Corona-pocalypse?

    What do you want to come out of Corona-pocalypse?

    I was listening to a podcast today with interviews of various sports people, and I noticed their attitude was on the positives of the current situation (spending time with family/resting) and on what they want to come out of the situation with. They wanted to learn, to use the time constructively, to enjoy (as far…