Tag: get outside

  • OnTheBeach: Honouring the Energy of Autumn

    So, if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, the Autumn season is fully upon us. Leaves are falling, crops are being harvested, the air is starting to cool and the winter clothing is dug out of the back of the wardrobe (boo!) It’s a season when I hang on to the last vestiges of summer –…

  • Video: What To Do When Things Suck

    Watch the video here Working through my lovely Goddess Guidebooks, I loved this exercise to create your list of what to do when things suck! For me, the list is: 1. Change surroundings (leave, or tidy!) 2. Dance 3. Get outside 4. Meditate/Breathe 5. Play with Mollie (my dog) 6. Read a book 7. Laughter…

  • January Daily Practice: Get Outside

    First things first: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! May the year ahead be filled with love, laughter, fun, joy and wonder! I hope you have enjoyed the festive season and you’re now rested and ready for a wonderful New Year! [caption id="attachment_3181" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Photo: acrylicartist on morguefile"][/caption]Our practice for this month is: GET OUTSIDE!…