Tag: obstacles

  • Ask Donna – I Keep Stopping and Starting

    http://youtu.be/lcUimjjsnzA Q: I keep starting and stopping with taking action on my big dream. I get so frustrated with myself that I can’t just KEEP GOING! – Valerie Firstly, be kind to yourself. You keep STARTING…good for you! Think about the best way to get the best out of yourself (it’s not by getting frustrated…

  • Lies About Your Big Dream

    There are so many things we believe about our Big Dreams that just aren’t so. And most of them do not help us achieve our Big Dreams – most of them keep us stuck. So let’s bust some myths! I can’t do it. Think Barack Obama…YES WE CAN! If you have the seed of a…

  • OnTheBeach – Confront Obstacles as They Appear

    OnTheBeach – Confront Obstacles as They Appear

    I have been re-reading “Kingdom of the Golden Dragon” by Isabel Allende, and the quote below leapt out at me again. Perhaps it’s something you also need to hear this week? By the way, there are only 2 places left for my Summer Coaching special offer so if it’s something you’ve been thinking about doing,…

  • Your Cue for Change

    It appears I was not alone in the UK in tapping into the holiday spirit – most of my clients have also found themselves taking their foot off the accelerator, cutting back and just hanging out. Many of them have noticed that when they do this, there is a curious reluctance to get moving again.…

  • Don’t Let That Stop You

    Whenever we are moving towards something we want, a goal or a dream, obstacles appear in our path. Some of the obstacles come from the outer world – circumstances, people or physical, some from ourselves – lack of self-belief, crises of confidence, doubt. But these obstacles are not unusual, they are not road-blocks, and they…