What Does Self-Worth Mean To You?

selfworth-ebookimageI’m helping spread the word about the “What Is Self Worth?” e-book by Kendra Kantor! This e-book features ME and 15 other wonderful ladies who are all talking about self worth and what makes them beautiful. Want to improve your self worth and be able to feel beautiful? First get the free “What Is Self Worth?” e-book and check out the #YesToBeautiful Group Course.

To create the book, Kendra asked us all these 3 questions – the answers are varied, lovely and inspiring! Here are mine:

What does “self worth” mean to you?

Self-worth means embracing my value – knowing that I work better, am a better person and a nicer person when I am taken care of and valued…by myself (and by extension, because I have strong self-worth, others treat me well too – they have no choice!)

How do you embrace yourself with love and kindness?

I have self-care practices I do daily – yoga, meditation, writing the morning pages, mental palette cleanses throughout the day so my mind doesn’t catch fire, dance breaks, and a night-time routine that allows me to read, relax and go to sleep with ease and peace. It sounds a lot, but I’ve built them up one by one so it never felt like I was cramming too much in – and I know that if I don’t do these practices, I don’t function as well – I get more tired physically and mentally and I’m irritable! I also get the bodywork I need – at the moment that’s regular acupuncture, but it has also included massage and osteopathy in the past.

What makes you beautiful?

My love for life makes me beautiful – when I’m loving life it shines out of every pore.

Take a moment to answer those questions for yourself – what does self-worth mean to you? How do you embrace yourself with love and kindness? And what makes YOU beautiful? (and if you need some inspiration, ideas, or just to see how others are answering – check out the free What Is Self Worth? ebook from Kendra!)

Love Donna Blue 300px





One response to “What Does Self-Worth Mean To You?”

  1. […] What Does Self Worth Mean To You? by Donna, “My love for life makes me beautiful – when I’m loving life it shines out of every pore.” […]