Category: Featured

  • The 3 Pillars – Your Mission

    At the heart of my coaching program is something I call ‘the 3 Pillars’ – they are self-care, energy and joy. If these 3 pillars are strong, life is easier, achieving goals and ambitions is easier and life is a great deal more fun! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is this: EVERY…

  • What Delights Do I Wish For?

    It’s Wishcasting Wednesday. There is power in wishing – putting your wishes out there sets mighty forces into action… What Delights Do I Wish For? Hmm. I actually found this quite difficult to answer today – not that I couldn’t come up with delights, but that my mind raced hither and thither and back again,…

  • What Do I Wish to Begin?

    It’s Wishcasting Wednesday. There is power in wishing – putting your wishes out there sets mighty forces into action… What Do I Wish To Begin? [caption id="attachment_2630" align="alignleft" width="150" caption=" "][/caption]This one has been quite amusing (in an ironic way) as in between seeing the question and starting to ponder it, I got some news…

  • What is Your Money Wish?

    It’s Wishcasting Wednesday. There is power in wishing – putting your wishes out there sets might forces into action… What is Your Money Wish? [caption id="attachment_2616" align="alignleft" width="150" caption=" "][/caption]I love this wish. The question alone gave me a rush of lovely energy (which I usually get with the answer, not the wish!). My money…

  • What Do I Wish for My Health?

    Wishcasting Wednesday is here again. What Do I Wish for My Health? Ah, such an easy one to answer – I wish to be vibrantly, radiantly healthy in every way. I wish for my health to be a higher priority in my life than my to do list. I wish to let go of all…

  • What Dreams Am I Wishing For?

    Wishcasting Wednesday is here again…and I am very late with it! Last week I was poorly bad and I just couldn’t answer this question – every time I tried to answer, it felt like I was just repeating another wish. Like you can only wish once for anything? Odd. I’d resigned myself to not answering…

  • What Do I Wish To Take A Stand For?

    Wishcasting Wednesday is here again. What Do I Wish To Take A Stand For? [caption id="attachment_2571" align="alignleft" width="300" caption=" "][/caption]I struggled a bit with this – I reminded myself of the scene in ‘Bruce Almighty’ where Bruce is asking God to ‘care for the sick and feed the hungry’. “Great if you’re Miss World. What…

  • What Do I Wish to Know?

    Wishcasting Wednesday is here again. What Do You Wish to Know? This is a very interesting question. My first answer was “I wish to know that everything I am working on is going to work out – that my life is going to work out just fine.” This is something I feel I already know…and…

  • What Do You Wish to Focus On?

    Wishcasting Wednesday is here again. What Do You Wish to Focus On? Simply, those things with the most… The most power, the most energy, the most love, the most joy, the most life. I wish to focus on the things that will propel me forward into the life I wish for. Of late, I realise,…

  • What Do You Wish For the World

    Wishcasting Wednesday is here again. What Do You Wish For the World I was thinking about this prompt, waiting for profound thoughts to hit, when the loving kindness meditation came to mind: May the world be filled with loving kindness May the world be well May the world be peaceful and at ease May the…