Did you get outside in January? I admit, I cheated a bit – I was on holiday for 10 days which made getting outside for me a whole lot easier than it is at home in the cold, wintry, dark, horrid conditions. Brrrr. But even when I got back from holidays with thinner blood and found it even colder, I still got outside! Often grudgingly, grumpily and with much muttering about the cold, but it was still good to do. And it’s the holiday that inspired this month’s daily practice: 10 Minute Tidy and Clutter Clear.
But when I got home from holidays, the office and bedroom were beautifully clear of the usual mayhem and mess. And I’d quite like to keep them that way! Ok, I’m never going to be a neat-freak (no, really, I’m not!), but I think with this “10 minute tidy and clutter clear” practice, I can at least get into the habit of clearing up every day and keep it relatively tidy.
Are you going to join me? Here’s what we’ll do: Every day we’ll set a timer for 10 minutes, put on some lively music (of course!) and rush around for 10 minutes tidying and/or clutter clearing. If we do that every day for 10 minutes a day in February, it will be the equivalent of a half day of clutter clearing…only in easy chunks of time that don’t give you a chance to get back ache or so fed up that you just want to throw everything away! If you’re going to join in, leave me a comment below to let me know.
2 responses to “February Daily Practice: 10 Minute Tidy and Clutter Clear”
Oh thank you Johanne! I really appreciate you taking the time to say this. Your comment is going straight into my ‘encouragement box’ (see today’s blog post!) I am so glad you are joining me in the 10 minute tidy – you’re right it feels so good to walk into a tidy house! And I did laugh at the ‘clean house is a wasted life’! But I do like a bit of order around me too. Lots of love back to you. Donna.xxx
Hi Donna
Thank you so much for your work and your daily – monthly inspiration. I love to “follow” you!! You’re one of the Faaaaabulous!!!!
I’m definitely gonna join you in the 10minute February daily practice. I feel so much better after the house is cleaned and tidied. Makes the energy around so much smoother.. I love it! Though I am never gonna be a neat-freak either.
Here’s a good one that my friend told me one day : “a clean house is a wasted life”
To some extent, I agree with it, and I also think it is of self-care interest to have a somehow clean place to live in.
Keep up the great work you’re doing. Bravo.
Lot’s of love from France – Johanne