A lovely client this week reminded me of this marvellous story:
Maybe So, Maybe Not.
– Ancient Taoist Proverb
One day, a farmer’s horse ran away. His neighbors expressed sympathy, “What terrible luck that you lost your horse!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not.”
A few days later, the horse returned, leading several wild horses. The neighbors said, “Your horse has returned, and brought more with him. What great fortune!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not.”
Later that week, the farmer’s son was trying to break one of the wild horses and got thrown to the ground, breaking his leg. The villagers cried, “Your son broke his leg, what a calamity!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not.”
A few weeks later, soldiers from the national army marched through town, conscripting all the able-bodied young men for the army. They did not take the farmer’s son because of his broken leg. Neighbours shouted, “Your boy is spared, what tremendous luck!” To which the farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not.”
It is only with time that we can see whether something is really good or bad. In the meantime, don’t judge what happens to you as ‘bad’. My personal perception is ‘it’s all good…always’. Even things that look ‘bad’ can turn out to be the greatest blessings of your life. Illnesses that force you to make changes that make you healthier and happier, losses that help you realise what is really valuable in life, losing a job you hated and moving to a better situation…And as the farmer in the story above, don’t get carried away with events – let them unfold as you keep your peace of mind – maybe that ‘terrible’ situation you have been stressing about will turn out to be a blessing!