I have 2 choices here.
1. Decide it’s too darn late to do anything about it now, forget the goal, go to the gig, try to bounce and gasp for oxygen with burning calves after a mere 30 seconds bouncing.
2. Go for the goal, despite it being a bit late in the day, reassemble my mini trampoline and spend 15 minutes every day for 2 weeks bouncing.
Guess what I’m going to do?
Of course, I’m going for it. I know what I’m like. Once the opening bars of ‘Dakota’ or ‘Local Boy’ begin, I shall start to bounce. Even though I know I’m going to soon be gasping for oxygen with burning calves. So I can either do that with zero training, or I can do it with a bit of training. With zero training I shall feel bad about my fitness, my lack of training, my burning calves, my inability to breathe. Also 2 days later I’m going to see 30 Seconds To Mars, so I’ll get to do it twice. Not an attractive prospect, frankly.
With 2 weeks of training, I just might be able to bounce for 5 minutes. Perhaps even the 10 I promised myself. I should at least be able to bounce through most of one song by then. I hope.
And yes, I know it doesn’t sound much, and in my 20’s and 30’s, I thought nothing of bouncing all the way through a gig – 90 minutes of bouncing. Now I’m in my 40’s, it appears to suddenly be a problem (to be fair, the signs were there in my late 30’s, I just ignored them until now I can only bounce for a shamingly small about of time).
Anyway, the point is not really about bouncing, or gigs, or being 40. It’s about resurrecting your goals for your life, even when it’s ‘too late’. Because it’s never too late. If you ain’t dead, it ain’t over! It’s never too late to start falling in love with your life. It’s never too late to make your Big Dreams come true. It’s never to late to start working on a goal you want.
It’s certainly not too late in 2013 to make a start on what you wanted to happen this year. It’s the time of year when people start to think ‘I’ll do x, y or z next year’ and every year, this irritates me. Because there’s still 2 months left of 2013 people! Why give up? Why waste 2 months thinking ‘next year’? Why not start now?
What did you want to happen this year? What promises did you make to yourself? What goals have you forgotten about? What dreams has life got in the way of? And more importantly, what dreams will you re-awaken now? What will you give oxygen to, what will you breathe life into? What will you defibrillate and resurrect? You’ve got 2 months – pick a goal and GO FOR IT!
Bounce your way to the end of the year, and join me in going for option 2 – go for the goal, even though it’s ‘too late’! Let me know in the comments what goal you are going to cram for before the end of the year.
The lovely Cynthia Lynedeman has a great post on how to decide what goals to work on if you have lots – check out her post from last week here.
And PS, if you’re not sure how to resurrect a goal that’s fallen by the wayside, why not have a free Vision Session? We’ll talk about what you want, what’s in the way, your foundations…and most importantly, your Action Plan!
PS My coaching packages will be changing in the New Year, and the prices going up, so if you’ve been thinking about having coaching, now is a great time to sign up and lock in 2013 prices for at least 2 months of 2014.
4 responses to “OnTheBeach: Get Your Defribrilator Out, It’s Time To Resurrect Your 2013 Goals!”
Thanks Cindie! Yes, it’s so easily done to think about ‘next year’…but let’s make the most of this year first! x
Lol – yes, let’s start the new year bouncing! Haha – I might take you up on that!! xx
Donna, your posts never fail to bring a smile to my face, AND inspiration to my soul. THANK YOU. I recognized that l’m already thinking about “next year” and am inspired instead to start “bouncing” NOW. 😉 xo
Love! So true and so motivating. Every day counts and what we achieve before the year’s up just become beautiful foundation d momentum to start the new year leaping…no I mean bouncing! Have fun at the concert! You can always borrow my two year old for an hour. That will get you in shape! 😉