Search results for: “daily practice”

  • OnTheBeach:  Embrace Your Ebbs

    OnTheBeach: Embrace Your Ebbs

    As regular readers may know, I do a practice called the morning pages every day. As part of my Morning Pages, I check in with body, mind, heart and soul. On Monday, I was feeling very Monday-ish. I have a to-do list as long as my arm, I’d got a busy week ahead, I really…

  • Video: Setting Yourself Up for Success and Self Criticism

    Watch the video here. My Daily Practice for January is “Setting yourself up for success in 2013”. This week in a few of my coaching sessions, the subject of self-criticism has come up, and it’s not a great way to set yourself up for success! The positive intention of the part of you that is…

  • Setting 2013 Up For Success

    Setting 2013 Up For Success

    For my newsletter this week, I expanded on the blog post from last week about the January Daily Practice, so if this looks familiar, that’s why! So how do we set ourselves up for success in 2013? Not by starting a diet we won’t finish, not by getting a gym membership we’ll never use, not…

  • Podcast: Clarity and Your Big Dream

    Over on my facebook page, this month’s Daily Practice is to Set Yourself Up for Success in 2013 – as part of that, let’s get super clear on what your Big Dream really is. Sometimes our dreams can get diluted, when we get hit by the ‘realism bomb’! But forget about what’s realistic, what do…

  • Video: Clutter Clearing and Obstacles

    Watch the Video here The November daily practice was Clutter Clearing – and I confess, I haven’t really done very well with it! But here’s the interesting thing, when you explore why you are not doing something (not to call yourself a bad person, just from curiosity), you can find some lovely reasons and things…

  • Video: Fall In Love With Your Life Tip: Give Thanks

    Watch the video Gratitude is a wonderful tool to help you change from being fed up with life to being happy and appreciative of every blessing you have in your life. If you’re able to watch this video, you most likely have a roof over your head, clean water to drink and wash in, plentiful…

  • Podcast: Morning Pages and Your Big Dream

    If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll know that the October Daily Practice has been to do the Morning Pages every day – to write 3 pages of longhand of whatever crosses your mind. It got me thinking about using that writing practice to help your Big Dream. I notice that often if…

  • Video: 5 Reasons To Do The Morning Pages

    Watch the video here: I was asked on Twitter “do the morning pages really work?” Firstly, I think you need to have NO expectations of your morning pages, or you will get fed up and give up too soon. Having said that, here’s my top 5 reasons to do the morning pages… #1 -…


    Sometimes when I am talking to people about their Big Dream Journey, they are so frustrated, they want it NOW NOW NOW! I can certainly appreciate that sentiment. I am horribly impatient by nature, and although technology issues have taught be to be a little more patient (when the computer freezes, the only thing that…

  • Video: Dancing How You Feel

    Watch the video here. The September Daily Practice is to feel how you feel – if you feel meh, allow yourself to feel meh, if you feel sad, cry, if you feel joyous, sing/skip/happy dance/clap. Allow those emotions to move through you. For the last week of this practice, we’re going to be using movement…