Tag: energy

  • OnTheBeach: A Triad Of Newness for the Real New Year

    Can you feel it in the air? The newness? The awakening energy? The revitalisation? The uncovering, unfolding, blossoming? The revival? It’s in the air, it’s the Real New Year. Humans might decide to call the New Year January 1st, but for me, nature has a better handle on when to celebrate a New Year. Spring.…

  • March Daily Practice: Send Your Peeves Packing

    We often ‘put up with’ things because they seem unimportant, not a priority, something to do ‘tomorrow’. All those little peeves, things that irk and irritate you, that pique and vex you, that are annoyances and gripes…but not quite so irksome that you need to do something about it NOW. After all, there are usually…

  • Video: What To Do When Things Suck

    Watch the video here Working through my lovely Goddess Guidebooks, I loved this exercise to create your list of what to do when things suck! For me, the list is: 1. Change surroundings (leave, or tidy!) 2. Dance 3. Get outside 4. Meditate/Breathe 5. Play with Mollie (my dog) 6. Read a book 7. Laughter…

  • What Rules Do You Live By?

    I have been working my way through the Goddess Guide Book by Leonie Dawson, which has given me a fabulous focus for my planning and considering life and business in 2013. I am loving it! One of the sections is about setting Life Rules. Not, as I said last week, to make your life regimented…

  • Setting 2013 Up For Success

    Setting 2013 Up For Success

    For my newsletter this week, I expanded on the blog post from last week about the January Daily Practice, so if this looks familiar, that’s why! So how do we set ourselves up for success in 2013? Not by starting a diet we won’t finish, not by getting a gym membership we’ll never use, not…

  • January Daily Practice: Set Yourself Up For Success in 2013

    Happy New Year! May 2013 bring you all the love, joy, happiness, laughter, wonder and brilliance you deserve and more! May your life be light and fun and joyous. May your days be merry and bright! And rather than just wishing for such lovely things, this month’s daily practice aims to make that MUCH more…

  • Video: Setting Your Goals for 2013

    Watch the Video here Try setting SMILE goals instead of SMART goals – goals that make you Smile, that have a touch of Magic about them, that are Inspiring, that you have Lots of enthusiasm for, that give you Energy. Never mind ‘should’ goals and New Year’s Resolutions that you know you will give up…

  • The Energy of The Season

    The Energy of The Season

    One of the themes that has come up in the conversations I’ve had this past week with clients and friends has been that they just can’t seem to get anything done. There is a real sense of lethargy and inertia in the air – not useful in the busy, stressful, party season! I have found…

  • Podcast: Ebbs and Flows and Your Big Dream

    There are natural ebbs and flows in our lives – times when we’re flowing and full of enthusiasm and life and action and movement, then times when we’re less energetic, more lethargic, taking less action, moving less…These are natural, and nothing to worry about. To listen to this week’s podcast, click here: Ebbs and Flows…

  • Podcast: You’ve Got What It Takes

    I saw this quote this morning “You’ve got what it takes, but it will take everything you’ve got”. When you give your all, you open the door to more – more creativity, more joy, more ideas, more energy, and you’ve got more to give. It’s awesome! So why wouldn’t we go all in? Here’s a…