The Year In Review

I’ll be honest, this is not the time of year I am at my best. I am not a fan of the cold, ice, snow, wearing 200 layers of clothing. So to distract myself from the cold, ice, etc I’ve been looking back at the last year to remind myself what I’ve achieved this year, what I’ve enjoyed this year, what I’m proud of this year. Sandy Grason calls this the ‘Look What I Did’ list. All too often, we just breeze on past our achievements, our joyful moments, our highlights of the year in our quest for the ‘next big thing’ in life.

I am particularly bad at this in wintertime because I am such a grouch! So it’s a good time to reach into the store of good stuff we’ve completed, achieved, experienced and felt in the past year. You might even find it’s worth giving yourself some credit and a celebration for being brilliant!








5 responses to “The Year In Review”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Mypia? ๐Ÿ˜ I’m so delighted you added your comment Ande – I think SO MANY people do the same thing. I am guilty of it myself. If I’m not Mistress of the Universe, then obviously the year sucked! But that’s why we need to review what was good! You’re very welcome. xx

  2. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    And PS one of the things on my list will be ‘met a great new online friend – Ande’! xx

  3. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Can I just beg to differ on the ‘not a year of great accomplishment’? I think it’s even more important to do this exercise when you feel like the year hasn’t really gone that well. Largely because most of us are really hard on ourselves. Simply from reading your blog, I know that you have done some fabulous things – surviving some really tough times with grace and humour, written some great blogs, launched a new website…ETC! Maybe the year didn’t quite live up to great expectation, but you HAVE accomplished some very cool stuff! Woohoo you!

    I appreciate the point about the beach to yourself! Lol. May your beach be clear!

  4. Ande Waggener avatar
    Ande Waggener

    Well, THANK YOU for that, Donna. Can you say mypia? I was focusing on what I’d WANTED to create this year, which I did not, instead of what I did create. Thank you for helping me see that!!!

    And I too will put on my list, “met a great new online friend” — Donna! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Ande Waggener avatar
    Ande Waggener

    Well, this was not a year of great accomplishments for me, and that would move me toward grumpy instead of away from it. But I DO get much from your “Grouch Response” to the winter weather. Since I rather love winter weather and fall and winter are my favorite seasons, your feelings about it remind me to think about what I might be grouching at that could be viewed differently. So many things in my reality can be tweaked with a bit of a different focus, and it helps me tremendously to hear others likes and dislikes to remind me of that.

    For you’re sake, I’m rooting for warm weather on your side of the world. For my sake, I say, “keep the cold rain coming” (it keeps the tourists away so Ducky and I get the beaches to ourselves. ๐Ÿ™‚