Search results for: “self care”

  • Self Care Vs Self Torture

    After talking to several clients, friends, and myself about self-care, I started to wonder if we learnt how to take care of ourselves from torturers. Do you recognise any of the following methods of ‘caring’ for yourself? 1. Feed your victim none nutritious food 2. Order your victim around 3. Deprive your victim of sleep…

  • How’s Your Energetic Self-Care?

    How’s Your Energetic Self-Care?

    Hasn’t 2020 been a mad year so far? Fire, flood, pestilience, murder hornets, protests for social change sweeping the world…goodness me it’s been busy! And it’s only June. In all honesty, I daren’t think ahead to what might happen next! The year as a whole has taught me to make sure my energetic self-care is…

  • Does self-care give you the guilts?

    Does self-care give you the guilts?

    I’ve had several conversations over the past few weeks with clients, with friends, and with people in my Fall in Love With Life Group where the subject of guilt has come up with regard to self-care. “I feel guilty if I sit down” “When I try to take care of me I feel like I…

  • Why is it so hard to embrace joy and self-care?

    Why is it so hard to embrace joy and self-care?

    I’m part of 2 challenges this month – in my own group “Fall in Love With Life” our daily practice for April is Self-care, and in Amina Makhdoom Lynch’s Joy Challenge, the theme is of course joy. And so many people in both challenges are bumping up against their comfort zone in terms of taking…

  • When Life Gets in the Way of Self-Care

    When Life Gets in the Way of Self-Care

    So in my new group (Fall in Love With Life) we’re talking about self-care for the month of April, and I did a little poll to ask what got in the way of people’s self-care. By far the most popular answer was “life gets in the way”. It does. I get that. We forget. We…

  • What to do for self-care

    What to do for self-care

    So a couple of weeks ago I talked about self-care – how to check on how cared for you feel and why it’s important…but what do you do for your self-care? Because it’s more than just massages (which are awesome) and eating the right food (which is good for you). It’s everything that makes you…

  • Where is Self-care on your priority list?

    Where is Self-care on your priority list?

    How is your self-care? Do you take excellent care of yourself? Is self-care high up on your priority list? For most of us, we do the bare minimum we need to keep ourselves functioning – able to work and do whatever else we want to do. Just. It’s the equivalent of putting fuel in your…

  • Are You “Too Busy” For a Self-Care Day?

    Are You “Too Busy” For a Self-Care Day?

    I realised last week I had not taken my self-care days in September. (Because I didn’t have one before July, I’m trying to make up for it by having a couple a month). So in the last couple of days of the month, I’ve squeezed in a long, lazy lunch with friends and an appointment…

  • OnTheBeach: What’s Your Excuse for Not Taking Care of Yourself?

    At the end of August, I took a week off to rest and rejuvenate. The thing was, I had been needing that week for 2 months. But I was trying to get my book released. So when I got brain fry, I took 2 days off (plus a weekend) because I absolutely had to, but…

  • Setting Yourself Up For Success With Great Self-Care

    I have noticed that for every one of my clients, if their self-care and energy is weak, their life is harder and their goals more difficult to achieve. If they feel cared for and energised, many of the seeming problems disappear! Life is easier, more fun, doors seem to open with greater regularity and ease…and…